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The device used for our analysis is certified by the FCC, which confirms compliance with Part 15: Federal Communications Compliance for Electromagnetic Emissions.

CE confirms the Regulatory Compliance Assurance by confirming that our biotechnology is approved according to EC Directive 2014/30/EU and RoHS Directive 2011/65. It confirms that our biotechnology complies with the general requirements: EN 61326-1:2006 EMC Requirements; EN 60950-1:2006+A12:2011; EN: 5502/55011/55024.

Our biotech is certified by the FDA as a product that complies with the US Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health compliance policy entitled “General Wellness: Policy for Low-Risk Devices ‘issued July 29, 2016” and has FDA guidance 1300013 (UCM429674).

Intertek’s ETL certification programme confirms that our biotechnology meets the necessary requirements: 1. Intertek Recognised ETL Component – 5000055; 2. UL std 60950-1; 3. Certified to CSA std. c22.2.No.60950-1.

The HS Code system confirmed that the necessary requirements were met and a Harmonised Shipping Code was assigned – 903180 – Other testing, measuring instruments, apparatus and machines.

CCC confirms that our biotechnology meets the requirements of the Chinese Certificate of Conformity for electrical compliance.