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New Slim & Fit optimization report
Bio information for smart, healthy and effective weight loss.
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Find out what your body really needs
Our epigenetic optimization reports will help you optimise your overall wellbeing, health and fitness, based on the expression of your genes.
Discover our epigenetic reports
Differentiate yourself as a professional and take your consultation to another level
We provide you with cutting-edge biotechnology so that you can integrate it into your practice and implement epigenetic optimization reports in your services.
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New Slim & Fit optimization report
Bio information for smart, healthy and effective weight loss.
Discover the Slim & Fit report
Discover what your organism really needs
Our epigenetic optimization reports will help you optimize your overall well-being, health and fitness, based on the expression of your genes.
Discover our epigenetic reports
Differentiate yourself as a professional and take your consultation to another level
We provide you with cutting-edge biotechnology so that you can integrate it into your practice and implement epigenetic optimization reports into your services.
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An epigenetic optimization report
tailored to your needs

We will evaluate your bioinformation through 5 hair strands, obtaining relevant and accurate information about the current state of your organism.

To help you achieve your health and weight goals, increase your energy during the day and boost your well-being through the real needs of your body.

We help you identify which foods and additives may be causing digestive stress in your body, preventing the proper absorption of nutrients and promoting inflammation.

Information on the current state of the main metabolic systems to regain their balance and optimize your immune, intestinal, cardiovascular, metabolic, sleep, emotions…

How do you relate to the environment around you and how do environmental factors, toxic exposure and low-level electromagnetic charges affect you at the cellular level?

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More than 940 operators
use our epigenetic optimization reports

epixlife® is present in 22 countries

Thousands of people already rely on epixlife® epigenetic optimization reports in more than 22 countries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still have doubts? Contact us here.

The genes that determine inheritance constitute only a small part of the genome, 1 to 2%, the rest being composed of intergenic regions that do not code for proteins. DNA testing is performed once in a lifetime and gives us accurate but static information, since the genome does not change.

Epigenetics explains how the environment we provide to our cells can alter gene activity without interfering with the DNA sequence.

Epigenetics reveals dynamic and changing information about gene expression at this moment of life. By analyzing external factors, the patient’s interaction with the environment and his or her sensitivity to low-intensity interference. That is why it is so precise in understanding what the body really needs at the cellular level.

Fast, precise and non-invasive! We will only need to extract 5 strands of hair with roots and after 15 minutes we will be sharing your results.

We use the hair bulb as the main biomarker. The functional complexity of hair follicles makes it a perfect source to provide comprehensive results based on your bioinformation; remember that the hair erector muscle constantly senses not only changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure, but also the vibrations and frequencies of the ecosystem and the surrounding area.

Using our technology we are able to identify sequences within the genome that have some type of biochemical activity and identify nutritional needs or environmental factors that influence the expression of your genes.

With the S-Drive device we track these sequences and process them in the German laboratory to provide you with complete results based on your bioinformation.

Our researchers are finding more and more scientific evidence every day on how different nutritional, emotional and environmental conditions or needs affect gene expression.

No! It is important to reiterate that this test does not identify allergies or intolerances.

Allergy, intolerance and sensitivity are not the same. Of course, if someone is allergic to a food, they could be described as sensitive, however, as a health condition, allergy is different from sensitivity or intolerance.

How is temporary food sensitivity expressed?

The body has difficulty digesting food and ends up using energy from another body source to digest and release key nutrients. These processes can occur asymptomatically or with overt reactions.

No, the epixlife® test is different from most tests available in the healthcare market because of its unique approach to science and technology, based on gene expression.

epixlife® evaluates the factors that affect gene expression known as epigenetics through our tests: We identify those dietary and environmental factors that affect the expression of our genes. epixlife® does not analyze the genetic sequence (DNA).

The results of the epixlife® test and a routine blood test can differ a lot due to their absolutely different nature and the biological sample used. In epixlife® we are tracking the processes inside your cells, using the hair bulb as a biological marker.

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